Friday 6 May 2011

Daffodil bouquets

I picked my first daffodil bouquet of the season today. I am fortunate enough to have many of these bouquets throughout the spring season because I have them planted in various growing conditions and I have so many varieties.

About one third of my property is a wooded ravine. Sixteen years ago when I moved there I visualized a natural landscape in this area. So, that first fall, I planted about 100 daffodil bulbs. And, each fall I have planted at least 25 more.
I never plant them individually - I plant them in "drafts" throughout the bush. I have planted every variety I can find. My collection now includes King Alfred, Carlton, Barrett Browning, Wedding Bouquet, Thalia, Minnow, Poetez and on and on.  Most varieties bloom at about the same time (except Poetez which blooms about a month later), but planting them in different micro-climates around my yard extends their blooming season. Those planted close to the south-facing wall of my house bloom first, while those in the cool north-facing bush bloom about three weeks later - with all the others blooming in between.
Fresh cut daffodils exude a sap that is toxic to other cut flowers. Consequently, it is wise to create a spring bouquet composed simply of daffodils.

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